Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Friday 11 January 2013


The first full work week of the year is over, and pleased The man and I are too. As the weekend got nearer the temperatures have gradually become cooler, dropping from a toasty warm 10 degrees on Monday, to a very brisk minus one on Friday. If the forecast is to be believed it will drop even further right down to a refreshing minus five by the next weekend. Maybe we will even see some snow.

I’m going to look to the paper for inspiration again tonight, so let me see.

Front page is making a meal of the growing numbers of Jimmy Saville sexual abuse victims. There he was, a seemingly popular media personality and all the time he was suing his position of trust for his own ends. Saville is now in his grave and for some that is unfortunate in that he cannot be called to account. Best place for someone like him is in the ground.  The only people who will benefit from the whole thing will be the lawyers. More of his victims are coming out of hiding all the time. I find it very hard to believe that he had gotten away with it for so many years.

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