Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Monday 28 January 2013

Credibility challeged..

I think the weather man must be making up for the loss of credibility of the last two days by being spot on today. Rain by going home time is what he said and that is exactly what we got. Not cold though which is good. 

What was not so good was seeing people coming out of Canary Wharf tube station at that time of the evening, when usually it is the exact opposite.
I said to The Man, ‘that doesn’t look good’, and it wasn’t. We were faced with a humongous crowd waiting at the ticket barriers, and not even a trickle of passengers was going in or coming up from the platform level.
So what does one do when faced with a long delay?

Nothing better than a cinnamon swirl and a vanilla spice latte at my regular café. Good on ya Starbucks.
Just over half an hour later the crush had cleared and we were on our way home.

I think that this next bit belongs in the ‘rip off Britain box.
Transport for London is tightening the rules in a so called bid to discourage motorists from buying diesel powered cars that allow them to drive in central London for free. 

Soon drivers of all diesel and most hybrid vehicles will be forced to pay the congestion charge in a crackdown on traffic congestion and pollution.
If Boris, the mayor, approves it the new rules will start in July this year.
Now here is the clincher for me thinking it should be categorised into the Rip off Britain box, this new charge will rise and extra £2 million a year…helping to reverse the £60 million slump in revenue.

The AA is saying shame on you Boris for moving the ‘green goalposts’ after businesses replaced their fleets with compliant vehicles.
The Transport for London made a net profit of £136.5 million in the 2011/2012 year.

Shame on you TFL. in this hard economic time, when Britain is entering a third period of recession you are putting an even bigger financial burden on the public at large  as well as small and large businesses and ultimately the consumer

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