Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Monday 30 September 2013

Cooking up a storm...

Yesterday afternoon, when we got back from Greenwich, I really didn’t feel like cooking a much for tea.

So, I thought, what can I make that’s nice and easy?
I know macaroni cheese, easy peasy lemon squeezy…
And it was.

It made me think about the very first ‘meal’ that I learned to cook when I was attending Hutt Intermediate School.
You guessed it…yes it was macaroni cheese topped with sliced tomato and cheesy breadcrumbs
Mrs Clark, was one of the few teachers that I really liked and it was because of her that I wanted to be a cookery teacher.
My favourite day was the day we had cooking lessons, and I’ll tell you why.
First double period was cookery, followed by a double period of sewing, which took me up until lunch time and then in the afternoon it was sports. A pretty good combination if you ask me.

Mum had bought me a proper basket to take my cooking things to school in; you know items like a small enamel pie dish (that was for the macaroni cheese) or a pint preserving jar and seals when we were learning about preserving.

Ah those were the days…

And no I didn’t wind up being a cookery teacher…

Sunday 29 September 2013

Keep looking at the sky...

The Man and I had a very late night, well early morning actually. It was going on one o’clock this morning before we turned off the computer and went to bed.
No we weren’t playing games..
We started out watching a Meryl Streep movie, more about that in a mo. A few minutes in and after checking a new message on my phone we had a lovely Skype chat with one of our families back home in New Zealand. It was really great to hear their voices and to hear how things are with them and the family. Unfortunately the connection wasn’t good enough for a video call
…oh well can’t win em all.

So the movie, well it had as I said Meryl Streep  was one of the stars and the other was Tommy Lee Jones, Steve Carell was in it too. The movie was entertaining and thought provoking too and I think that just about every married couple should see it.
Meryl Streep is an a amazing chameleon of an actor don’t you think…

This morning The Man worked his magic in the kitchen and whipped up his speciality, bacon, eggs, mushies and toast and very nice it was too. 

So it was well fed and watered that we wandered down to the local station and caught the train. Switching at Canada Water and then Canary Wharf we soon joined the crowds at Greenwich.
Yes I know we have been here before, but the exhibition we went to before has been replaced by another up at the Royal Observatory. You can see the overall winner at

 This winning picture, taken by an Australian, was a New Zealand sky-scape of an area where The Man and I have done a lot of fishing and a lot of stargazing too.

Saturday 28 September 2013

A day out...

Ahhh…nice not have to get up to the beeping of the monster that lives on the bedside table. Yes, you know what I mean...I expect there’s a cousin of this beastie on most bedsides everywhere.

On the way home yesterday I read about an exhibition of unique gold and silver jewellery which sounded well worth a  visit So this early this afternoon we hopped on to our regular weekday train and got off at the stop for Goldsmiths College.
It took us a while to locate the main entrance where we asked for the exhibition hall, which was within an old church, very nice.
And the exhibition itself…well that was a disappointment because what we had walked into was a modern art installation.
Hang about a minute, we’d come to see an exhibition of precious metal not papier-mâché masks hg at all sorts of odd angles from a wonky shelf.

All was not lost because we haven’t visit the area before so we went for a bit of a walk down the road and an old fire station that’s ground floor is now a fireplace store. It was the interesting window display that first caught our eye and made us want to go in and see more.
And we weren’t disappointed; parts of the store seemed to be like a museum.
What do you think of this?

We continued on thinking we would explore more until we stopped to cross the road and saw and heard a bit further along a group of young adults outside a pub. They were jeering and throwing bottles and spraying alcohol over a bus that was stopped at the red light. The driver’s window on the bus was shattered. 
Needless to say we did an about face and walked back the way we had come. At the next bust stop we worked out a route back to Crystal Palace and took that.

And the exhibition we had read about, well that was at the  Goldsmiths Company not Goldsmith College. Oh well…

Friday 27 September 2013

Fancy a bit of shopping at he supermarket....

Yes… I am going to say it again, cover your ears if you don’t want to hear me say TGIF
The weeks are whizzing by and in a couple of days it will be October
Haven’t a clue what we are going to do tomorrow, not that we want to get into anything too strenuous, so Mr Google what’s on in London this weekend.

Now here’s something different you might have been able to purchase at your local   supermarket

For those not in the UK Tesco is a very large supermarket chain

Tesco today withdrew an inflatable “gay best friend” figure from sale and apologised for the “offensive” doll.
The figure, labelled “The Inflatable g*y Best Friend”, was pitched on the retail giant’s website as being suitable for children aged three to four, and referred to as an “amusing gift”. Tesco  said the product, pictured, also stocked by Amazon, should have been removed from its site two months ago.
It comes a day after the supermarket was forced to remove a Halloween costume called “Psycho Ward” amid criticism.
Ben Summerskill, head of gay rights charity Stonewall, said stocking the inflatable item was “like trying to sell ice to Eskimos”. He said: “We can’t imagine why any woman would choose to buy an inflatable gay best friend when there are two million of the real thing already available in modern Britain.”
A Tesco spokesman apologised, adding: “This product was uploaded to the website by a third party seller but was removed from sale immediately because we found it offensive."
The description of the product, which had censored the word gay from its product title, said: "If SEX in the City and Will & Grace taught us anything, it's that g*y best friends are in this season.
"We've had the manbag, we've had leg warmers and iPhone fever, now it's time for the new craze.

….I don’t thinks so Tim

Thursday 26 September 2013

Nothing if not optimistic..

So it is all over rover.

The most awesome, fastest and incredible boat race we have ever seen has ended. And you must have been living in a vacuum if you hadn’t heard that the American boat took the cup.

But hang on a moment, it was skippered by an Aussie, and the tactician was a Brit .And their CEO is none other than an ex Kiwi sailor Russell Coutts.  

Hmmm  Not only that Kiwi’s and Aussies helped in the build the American boat.

I just wonder what the boats will be next time.