Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Friday 9 November 2012

Where we lived...

Another weekend has come around again.  Time is flowing past us at an alarming speed.
We are looking forward to a quiet weekend in. 

Our first year here we lived in a tiny one room studio. With so little space we hardly spent any weekends in. That’s not the case where we live now, and have lived since March 2011. Now we have a nice little one bedroom flat on the third floor, with a reasonable sized lounge dine leading into a little kitchen. In the studio our kitchen consisted of a tiny sink bench a microwave and a jug, with minute cupboarding. There was a full sized and fully functioning oven in the main kitchen of the house. That was a bonus as if I did any ‘smelly’ cooking it didn’t fill up the studio with cooking odours. The studio was in a converted terraced house and ours was one of seven within the building. Some of the rooms were very tiny. 

The laundry was in a lean to just outside the back door held a coin operated commercial sized washing machine and dryer. At about £4 a wash load and £3 a dryer load it wasn’t cheap. Our rent was the same as we pay here in our one bedroom unit, but included the power an internet connection. The supermarket was a good 20 minute walk away, a bit further away than the railway station. Not like here. Supermarket is a mere  5 minutes walk away.  
I really like that The man and I get to commute to and from on workdays. Sharing the journey with my best mate,, what more could I ask for.
We had a laugh tonight on the way home. Sitting on the floor of the train was a young couple. Late teenagers by the look of it, Slumped against each other tucked up under their jackets and sound asleep. We wondered how long they had been on the train, and had they been going backwards and forwards on the train all evening.

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