Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Saturday 3 November 2012


 You know how it is when you become engrossed with something and forget the time. Well I was up until about half past one this morning chatting on Skype to one of our girls back home in New Zealand.  Technology is really great and makes keeping in touch with the family back there so easy.  Skype is great ‘cos we can video call. I think technology is great. 

Not so when we lived in PNG. Back then in 1995-98 we communicated by snail-mail and fax. Phone calls were expensive so we didn’t make them very often. And we exchange videos. You’d think that living on a tropical island would have been idyllic wouldn’t you?
The Man’s contract was, we thought, for two years. His boss out there had other ideas and we wound up staying for three. Yes we had some good times out there and certainly we made some great friendships. When people ask what I did out there because I wasn’t permitted to work, I reply that I learned to drink gin and play cards. Don’t laugh because it is quite true. I never did either before we went out there. 

It was our visit to the new café at Crystal palace station on our way to West Croydon, this morning that reminded me about PNG. Give me a mo and you’ll see where the connection is.
We ordered ham and cheese toasties to go with our latte this morning, and it was that that set me off thinking about the time I asked for a ham and cheese toasted sandwich from the bar at the Madang Fishing Club. There was me looking forward to soft melty cheese and what did I get? A ham and cheese sandwich made with two slices of toast. Hmmm. So the next time we went I ordered the same thing, but gave direction about how I wanted it made. I think it took several visits before the guys got it right.
This morning’s offering was perfect. The bread was lightly toasted, the cheese melted just enough, and the temperature of it was just right. Nomnomnom

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