Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Wednesday 28 November 2012

Can I do it?...Yes I can

The longer I blog, the harder it is to find things to write about that isn’t just drivel. 

It was nice to hear the words New Zealand today, and to see a glimpse of a beautiful wellington day on the news about the new Peter Jackson movie. 

But I am less than six weeks away from completing a whole twelve months of daily blogging, and I am determined to complete the year without missing a day. 

I was talking to a chap today, yes I’m good at that, and he asked me about our family back home in New Zealand.  Yes of course we miss them I told him. But in some ways we see and hear more of them via email, instant messaging, Skype, Viber, and Facebook than if we were living in the same country. That made him feel a bit better because his brother and family are moving to Australia. Technology certainly makes communicating anywhere in the world so much easier. When my parents emigrated to New Zealand the only way to communicate was by letter and before airmail that could take about six weeks by sea. Compared to today’s instant communication six weeks would feel like a lifetime. But then I guess they wouldn’t have known any different. 

Imagine not finding out about family happenings bad or good until six weeks after the event. Yes there would have been telephones around back then, but the cost of a call to the other side of the world would have been astronomical. Now, courtesy of my iPhone and Viber some of my calls back to NZ are free. 

Then of course there came airmail letters on their flimsy blue paper, limiting the amount of writing you could do, or making you writ ore to fill u the space. I remember Mum getting mail form ‘home’ in just four days. Huh, sometimes these days it can take that long for mail in country mail to reach its destination.

Talking about mail, did you know that the UK is the only country that does not have its name on the stamp? And the British postal service is very clever having first and second class stamp. These have no denomination amount on it, very clever that so when the price of postage goes up you can still use the same ones without having to print mere or reprint over. Smart thinking there by someone.

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