Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Monday 26 November 2012


My first client this morning was a young woman asking for a blood test. Turns out she, like a lot of Mum’s with small children, is just plain tired.  

Blood taken, I asked her about things at home. Her husband is no help at all. Why?
I’ll tell you why. Because his Mum mollycoddled him, allowed him to just sit around and not lift a finger.  In the big scheme of things it might appear insignificant, but it’s not.
This Mum works full time in a stressful job, she keeps house for the four of them, cooks cleans and tends to their welfare and what does her man do to help? 

Oh, he does do something; I forgot to say that he takes out he rubbish.

And now that their oldest, who is only five years old,  has stated at an expensive and private school my client who was intending to reduce her working hours now sees no relief.
Unfortunately I had no answer for her, apart from suggesting to her that her and her husband sit down together to negotiate how things might improve for all of them.

I consider myself very fortunate indeed that The Man and I are partners in everything we do. He’s as conversant with the vacuum cleaner as I am, probably more so. If he cleans, I don’t see it as a criticism as some might. By the same token if I were to clean up in the garage, when we had one, he didn’t see that as a criticism either. 

We are a team him and me, in all things. And I love him to bits

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