Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Sunday 4 November 2012

Bangers and bacon

Last night after I’d published my daily writing The Man and I watched the local light show of fireworks, from the comfort of our third floor window. This is the end of mid-term break, and with the kids going back to school on Monday it looks like the locals are setting their rockets off tonight. And very pretty they are too. For as far as we could see in all directions, and we have a pretty good view now that the trees have lost most of their leaves, red and green and gold starbursts exploded briefly into the sky. One display that must have looked impressive from the ground sent a huge bright red finger into the sky. Nothing like the basic fireworks that were around when The Man and I were kids.
Quite late in the evening we noticed what we thought was a bonfire in the front yard of one of the houses we look down on. We couldn’t see any people around it so we just kept an eye on it. ‘Surely’ I said to The Man ‘One of the neighbours must have noticed it too.’ It must have burned for several hours and at one stage became quite fierce, before settling down. It was still glowing when we went to bed. This morning, being the nosey neighbours that we are, it was out with the binoculars to see just what damage had been done. It looked as though someone’s woodpile had gone up in smoke, singeing the plants around it that were growing up against the side of the house. Good thing the houses here are brick.
This morning, well truth told it was probably closer to this afternoon, when we finally got up The Man worked his magic in the kitchen with the bacon and eggs. Even before we got out of bed this morning we could tell that the day was wet by the sound of rain against the window. For a while there I thought it was going to last all day, but it didn’t. It did stay pretty murky for the whole day though, with the sun getting the odd shaft of light through. 

So what did we get up to today then?
I’ve been putting off the job of sorting through the clothes and replacing the winter clothes that were stored in our suitcases with the summer ones that were still taking up room in the wardrobe.  Now I am feeling very virtuous, having done a big sort our too of clothes that were destined for the local charity shop. And there is a lot more space in the wardrobe too. Hmm I sense a shopping expedition coming on. OK I have to put my hand up to not coming out of the charity shop empty handed. It was only one book though. David Attenborough’s Life in the Undergrowth.
With a now empty granny trolley, we used it to carry the unwanted stuff to the charity shop, we trundled on to the supermarket. I often go with a list, and today was no exception, just a few essentials on not a very long list. But hey I’m an impulsive shopper so we came back with and overflowing granny trolley. Well it was so very cold and miserable outside that I thought what better to be brewing on the stove top for the afternoon than a hearty beef stew. Nomnomnom.
And there I go talking about food again.

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