Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Wednesday 21 November 2012

Good news and fluffy tales

Well The Man is pleased that that is over and done with.
Yes he sat his Life in The UK test today and passed. He said the hardest thing about it was getting past the security and ID checks at the door.

So, onward and upward. Now that he has a piece of paper documenting this we can go ahead with the remainder of his visa application process. This involves filling in a form that has enough pages in it to paper a small room, let alone cost an entire forest. Ah, but wait, we need the last three months bank statement to accompany the application. That is a bit tricky as we get all out statements online, my small effort to save the planet. And copies of online statements are no acceptable. So there I go to the bank in my lunch hour.
 Considering some of the difficulties we have had with things here I was fully expecting to be told to come back the next day to collect them. I was very pleasantly surprised when the young chap behind the counter said, ‘Not a problem, I’ll print them for you now.’  

Yesterday on the way in to work on the train I thought that my glasses were a little loose, and when I took them off I had a piece of them in each hand. Not a good look that.  Hmm I really do need to wear my specs all day. I can’t see the computer screen without them, and how on earth am I going to draw up any vaccinations. Fortunately The Man had his new ones with him and very gallantly gave me them for the day. He had a couple of pairs of his el cheepo ones in his bag that he could use during the day. 
 Some of the stores in Canary Wharf open early and Vision Express was one of those, excellent service from them. Just leave them with me and come back at lunch time. Which I did and ta-dah, they had fitted a temporary arm to them so that I can now hand The Man back his specs and get on with wearing mine.  OK I’m going to be out of pocket for a new set of frames, but that is the least of my worries

All that good service puts me in mind of an old Ansett NZ advert about how very helpful the staff are. See for yourself and you will understand when I say I feel like somebody just said to me ‘Give fluffy to me’  

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