Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Thursday 22 November 2012


So have we sent our application for The Man’s visa in yet, no quite? We want to make sure that EVRYTING about it is perfect and exactly right. To that end we will be performing the final checks on Saturday morning when we have plenty of time, and then it will be off around the corner to the local post office. We are still confident that the outcome will be the one we are after. But hey if it means we go home earlier than expected then so be it. 

It was interesting this evening coming home on the train. There we are waiting at our usual spot on the Canada Water station but no sign of the train to the usual destination Two come through to totally different destination, the one with the destination of West Croydon on the front. So we push our way on with the rest of the crowd. Two stations down the line and the driver announces that this train is now heading for Crystal palace. Goodness me that has never happened before. Altered destinations on buses but never trains.  It really didn’t make a difference to us, but I heard a young woman saying to an attendant as we got off, ‘I thought I was going to west Croydon’ She must have been listening to her headphones rather than the train announcement system,

Yesterday I wrote about friendship. 
Today when I went onto the computer  to talk to my son as I do most workday morning who should I spot on Skype but my very bestest friend from New Zealand. What sort of serendipity is that? I’ll tell you what sort, the very best sort, that’s what.
It was so good to hear her voice and to see her, even if it was only a still picture.
True friendship is one where the conversation picks up s though it was only yesterday that we spoke. Rather than the more than a year that it actually was. We talked about everything and nothing as you do enjoying the contact even if it is only via the technology. No matter, it was like she was just up the road rather than on the opposite side of the world.

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