Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Friday 2 November 2012

Feast or famine...

So have we had a response to our complaint email? Nope.

Are we going to let that stop us? Our answer is the same. Nope.

When we got to Crystal Palace Station to catch our usual 0758 train   we discovered that it had been delayed. Nothing unusual in that I hear you say, and you would be right too. 

Some sort of technical glitch was responsible. So when almost half an hour later a train arrived the platform was fairly full. Not so much though that we couldn’t get a seat on the train. So far so good. 

Next I get off at Canada Water along with a bunch of other commuters. Again, so far so good.

Down on the platform at Canada Water it was a different story. It was wall to wall thick with impatient commuters. A whole lot more people than are normally waiting for the train.
So there I am knee deep in commuters when the next train comes and it is already crowded. Quite a few people in the queue I am in push their way into the train, leaving me at the front of the queue. Last chap in turns and looks at me eyebrows raised. I shook my head and went back to my book. Well the overhead electronic sign said that the next train was three minutes away. It put me in mind of stuffing a chicken…you know pushing all the spicy stuffing into the small body cavity of the fowl, until you cannot get any more in. 

Anyway three minutes later the next train arrived and it was virtually empty. If I had wanted to I could have had a seat, but as I was only going one stop I stood.

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