Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Tuesday 6 November 2012

Girls are great...

The Man and I are very very proud grandparents.
 Our granddaughters have excelled themselves this year and been recognised at their respective schools. They have worked so incredibly hard and deserve all the credit.

Now for a cautionary tale.
At the place where I work we recently had a breast health awareness event. Us health professionls got out there and spread the word. As a follow-up to the event we offered one on one appointments to discuss any issues our clients had. 

Last week a client had such an appointment with me. She was concerned about a small lump she had found, especially so as her best friend had an aggressive for of breast cancer.
She did indeed have a small lump that felt very much like normal glandular tissue, I asked one of the docs to come and see her, which he did. He tried to reassure her that it was probably related to her cycle and suggested she wait and see how things were at different times in her cycle.
I asked her if she was happy with that and she said no, so asked the doc to refer her to a breast care specialist.

That doc came into my room today and said that the lump the client was concerned about was as we had expected normal glandular tissue. But, and it is a huge but, the specialist had examine her thoroughly and found another small lump that he biopsied. And guess what that second lump was cancerous. 

So girls, get familiar with how your boobs feel and if you are of an eligible age accept the invitation from your health care provider for that mammogram. It might just save yo

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