Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Sunday 25 November 2012

Glassey eyed...

Will you just look at the date, OK one last comment about Christmas. It is just one month until THE DAY. Nuff said.
We woke to a beautiful blue sky day and by the time we got up the sun had seen off the frost. We were going to go to see the winners of a wildlife photographic competition at the Natural History Museum. But as it was such a beautiful day and our planned destination would be perfect on a bad day. So Plan B.
I’d seen a ‘what’s on’ in a local glossy so we poured over it and settled on a visit to the London Glassblowing Open Studio.  The Man has harboured a desire to have a go at glassblowing.
Our captivation by this art began almost fifteen years ago when on trip to cairns we watched a craftsman in a mall creating small glass sculptures. On a previous trip to this side of the world we’d been enchanted by the artisans at Caithness Glass. Back home in NZ, when the opportunity presented itself we’d visit local glass studios, both of were by now absolutely enchanted with the glassblowing ballet.
So off we went, catching the train to London Bridge and walking the short distance to the glass studio form there. Situated in a small block building the studio was a wonderland of glass shapes of all shapes and sizes. From tiny quirky hanging ornaments to pieces worth thousands of pounds the display was breath-taking.  We were hard pressed to make a decision about which piece we would buy ourselves for Christmas, oops, there’s that word again.
And what did we buy; well you’ll just have to wait a bit to see that one
But the very bestest thing of all about this studio s that they run classes. Yes The Man had checked courses before back in NZ, but they were either much too expensive or were part of an arts degree and in another city anyway. So no prizes for guessing what he will be enrolling in. Unfortunately, not until about may though as the causes are very popular.
We had to walk past The Shard on our way to the studio, and as usual I just couldn’t resist taking yet another picture of it.
Hmph and I would have added it here but the blog programmes is telling me I have used uo all my storage space. 

Talking of pictures, yesterday who should get on the train we were on but a pearly King and Queen. I remember my Mum telling me about them, and for all the time we have been here they are the very first ones I have seen in the flesh

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