Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Wednesday 14 November 2012

Serious and funny...

An update about The Man’s visa.

So we go to the local office, stand patiently in the queue, then we were directed to a counter to hand over his documents. So far so good.

So far so not so good.

Woman behind the counter says, this visa has expired you cannot use the premium service if it has been expired by more than 28 days.
So we ask to see her supervisor, No can do she says, we stand our ground she tries to direct us away from her counter. ‘There is a queue’ she says. The Man points out to her that it is a tiny queue of four people. Her counter is one of several. We point out to her that The Man has been allowed back into the country twice recently with this expired visa so a precedent has been set. We continue to stand our ground and she eventually agrees to tell her supervisor that we want to see him/her, and wait where she directed us.

After about ten minutes one of the attendants comes and asks how we have been getting on. When we explained our circumstances and he looks at The Man’s passport. Aha he says leave it with me for a bit.

He goes away and when he returns he gives us very good advice about how to proceed with our application and what to put in our application and that on humanitarian grounds The Man’s application should be accepted.
 That made us feel so much better.

And now for something completely different
We read this article in the local paper. How on earth would anyone be able to identify the characters in these things?  I ask you?

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