Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Wednesday 7 November 2012

Movie night failure...

Short blog tonight.
I'm writing this on the train on the way home from the movies.
And what did The Man and I go to see.
A French flick called Rust and Bone.
We saw the shorts for it a week ago and thought that look like it might be worth a watch.
And Was it.
No, not really.
What attracted us to it in the shorts was the fact that it looked like it had something to do with killer whales in a sea-world type environment, and there was a young woman it it who was involved in an accident in which she lost her legs. It looked like there might be a bit of a love story in there too.

It did look intriguing and despite the fact that it was in French with English subtitles we went. The other French subtitled film we saw a few months ago, called Untouchable was excellent and we thought this would be too. How wrong could we be?

Very wrong.

The storyline was weak, and a little unbelievable. Unless that is really how the French behave..
The acting was pretty mediocre. And there was very little of the orca in it apart from a brief few scenes at the beginning.
So marks out of ten.
Probably three. Well the cinema was warm and the company was good.
And as Forest Gump would say. That's all I have to say about that.
We are almost at our stop so I will stop and save this to post when we get home.


  1. lol.
    I hope the french arent all like that or the daughter is in for a dissappointment

    1. Maybe your CJ should talk to the southern CJ about how to cope over there :)
