Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Thursday 8 November 2012

Noms and dogs...

That movie last night was an absolute waste of time as far as entertainment went. But the evening was not a total loss. In fact it ended up as a pretty yummy evening. Why?
Well on the way to the cinema we walk past a little convenience store, no longer are these little stores called dairy’s, and I’ve notice before that they have a kiwi flag and another large flag with a sliver fern on it. There is a small sign on the door stating that they sell New Zealand, Australian and South African products.
Hmmm, so I just had to go in and have a look. I was hopeful of finding some of my favourite Krispie biscuits. Well they weren’t there but the next best thing was. At almost $6a packet, sounds cheaper if you say £3, I had to buy two.
We despatched one of the packets pretty smartly when we got home. The other will be savoured a little more slowly, perhaps. They are very yummy and they were extremely fresh. Nomnomnom.
I know there I go talking about food again

Almost every day at Canary Wharf station there are collectors after your money for some charity or other. I will not donate to those who look as though they are paid collectors. These are usually quite young and dressed up in funny costumes.
Over the last few days war veterans and soldiers in uniform have been collecting for poppy day. I don’t mind donating to them, and the Help for Heroes charity. Today was no different at all and did I donate to them.
Yes I did. The charity raises money to help provide helping dogs for disabled people.
Then this evening after work The man and I went to watch a couple of the dogs going through their paces. We were very impressed with a labra-doodle that entertained the crowd and encouraged them to donate more The clever dog picked up coins off the floor, or out of our hands and put them in the collection bucket.
Takes about eighteen months to train one of them up, and that costs money.

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