Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Saturday 24 November 2012

Talking about Christmas ...again

I want to write about Christmas. OK, I know I set down a few words about the seasonal happening a couple of days ago. As it is so much in your face out there I thought I would write about it once more and, and not only that I’m going to write about food again too.
Christmas in NZ when we were kids was all about getting together. Mum’s sister and her family lived just up the road, so Christmas lunch was celebrated at one or other of the sister’s houses.  There’s be a Christmas tree of course, an artificial one that was decorated with fragile glass balls and icicles the kind guaranteed to break if a child went anywhere near them. Strings of tired tinsel and cotton wool for snow completed the picture. 
Well who can blame me not being very happy sitting on the scary strangers knee

On the bikes are from left , my cousin, me and My sister. In the right hand picture  my mother, holding the doll, and her mother
 It was exciting to open out the uninteresting one dimensional paper decorations that magically unfolded their honeycombed tissue paper insides to become bells and balls that would be hung strategically among the paper streamers and Chinese lanterns.  
No pressies under the tree for us kids, to be ogled at or surreptitiously shaken. No, ours would magically appear on Christmas morning filling the pillow cases we’d had left draped over the end of our beds. 

So on to the food. Roast chicken with all the trimmings, salad too with beetroot. And the pudding,  always a traditional one with custard. There would be jelly too, but it was the rich fruity pud that was my favourite. Wearing our Christmas cracker hats and sporting garish plastic jewellery that we’d found inside them our outfits were complete.
And the songs. Rudolph the red nosed reindeer,  and jingle bells of course  not to mention I Saw Mummy Kissing Santa Claus. 

Not mention these for you listening pleasure lol.

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