Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Monday 12 November 2012

I don’t beleeeeeeeeeeeeeve it.

Do you know Victor Meldrew’s catchphrase?

Well The Man and I used it over and over last night. If you’ve read previous blogs you will remember that The Man has had a spot of bother getting an appointment at the local the UK Border Agency. The only time new appointment times are realised is at midnight, so we have been burning the midnight oil repeatedly logging onto the site to try to make a booking. Did the same thing last over and over and……I don’t beleeeeeeeeeeeeeve it.

Yes, he really has an appointment, and not only that it is for Wednesday of this week. I think we must have just been on at the time that somebody cancelled theirs.
We have been short on sleep for a few weeks now and last night was no different. In fact even after the successful log on we still couldn’t get back to sleep. A warm milky drink and a bit of boring TV didn’t help much either. Hopefully tonight’s trip to dreamland will be uneventful and rapid.
 I seriously doubt that the letters of complaint have had anything to do with it. In fact I am going to ask the people who I sent emails to, to persevere with their complaints on our behalf. It must be pretty hard for folks who only have daytime access to computers in public places such as libraries.

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