Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Saturday 17 August 2013

A littl bit of chat

Can you believe it we are already past the middle of August, roll on Christmas.

And what did we get up to today?
I’ll tell you.

The Man and I went to Greenwich for lunch, nothing surprising about tht you might think…and you would be wrong.
Because to was the day we had arranged to meet up with someone I went to intermediate school with. Oh and her husband and I were in the same class at primary school.

The last time this couple were in London visit their daughter a couple of years ago we weren’t able to get together so it was great to finally catch up with them.

You can imagine how the conversation went can’t you.
Do you remember him or her, and oh I was sweet on him
How about when you bleached the front of your hair and what about that time we got together and my father, yes my father, helped us to colour our hair. What was the colour…oh yes I remember it was called French Plum. Came in a little sachet. Then with his help we applied face packs…don’t laugh he’d told us but of course we did. He was a great chap my Dad.
Then it was ‘I wonder what happened to him’ and ‘where did she go’, and ‘oh yes I remember…
It was great to finally catch… up with them .

On another note, the other day my NZ cousin sent me a copy of a letter that had been sent to her by another cousin that we had lost touch with. This long lost cousin is also interested in the family tree so on Friday I posted a letter to her with a copy of the family tree. And what did I find in the email inbox this morning… an email from the long lost cousin.

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