Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Thursday 22 August 2013

Nice one...

Had to get to work half an hour earlier this morning for a meeting. Not too bad really.

It was pleasant enough to walk along the riverside, hmm what’s that floating over there?
And what do you think it was?
Well I’ll tell you.
When I got closer I saw that is was a parent swan and her six almost grown cygnets all heads tucked under their wings sound asleep and off to one side was the other parent obviously alert and on watch.

I made someones day this afternoon, well I make peoples day all the time.
On the way through the crush of people at London Bridge, to meet The Man, I spotted one of the cleaners who looked a bit down in the mouth.
So I went over to her and said ‘ I bet people don’t tell you what a great job you are doing. Without you this place would be full of rubbish in no time’
I was rewarded with a big smile and she went on her way still smiling.

I’m a great believer in random acts of kindness, so have you done your good deed today

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