Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Friday 9 August 2013

A shed of an idea...

Last night’s entry was a little brief don’t you think.
I make no apologies for it as it was well and truly past mine and The Man’s bedtime. Us oldies need our beauty sleep you know. Well we do.

Anyway, yesterday after work instead of coming back to Crystal
Palace, why do I have so much trouble calling it home? I do you know, despite the fact that tone of my favourite sayings is ‘home is where you live’

OK I know I’m rambling , but it is my blog and I will ramble all I want.

So there we are, well there we were yesterday going in a totally different direction after work

One of the folk The Man works with is an older chappie. There had been a fire in their backyard that reduced their small plastic shed into an even smaller glob of it.

The replacement kitset shed was delivered and The Man was tasked with assembling the thing.

Sounds simple doesn’t it.
And was it.

Of course not. 

So part A got connected to part B, Part B to part C and so on.
Following the directions was a great idea, but the directions fell a bit short.
How so you might ask how did he get it together…well go on ask….
Oh all right I’ll tell you.
He used his initiative and made it up as he went along like any clever Kiwi would. 

And so the shed was assembled and this evening he went back and worked his magic again and threw away the instructions and put the roof and door together and
Et Voila….A shed

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