Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Tuesday 27 August 2013

So It's goodbye from us and the too...

We weren’t particularly looking forward to today.

Why so?

Well our special visitors were on their way back up to Lincolnshire.
It was really fantastic to see them again, and to be able to play host and show them London.

We have crammed as much touristy stuff into the last few days as possible, and walked our feet off, and theirs too.

This morning we had a leisurely start, with a walk about Canary Wharf, which is where I work. Nice to be still on holiday. Then a run on the DLR to Bank, and on from there to St Pancras Staion.
And what a busy place that is.
We had oodles of time for coffee and to people watch.
So many of them coming and going .

It was sad when the time came to say goodbye, who knows how long it will be before we meet up again. But there is a plus too, as these two are so very happy together which kind of makes up for letting them go.

The Man and I weren’t ready to make the trip back to our base camp so we did our usual ‘let’s have a wander about’ thing.

The whole area around Kings Cross/St Pancras Station is undergoing a huge revamp. We watched children playing with the water in in the spouting fountain, a nice safe form of waterplay for even the smallest child.
We followed the signposts to the Canal Museum and spent an hour or so there absorbing the atmosphere and learning a thing or two about the network of waterways that were so important in moving goods around before road transport drove them into a decline.

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