Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Sunday 18 August 2013

Greenwich again...

Well that was odd.
Not long after I had gone to sleep last night, I was sure that I heard, from out in the hallway, someone call my name.
I woke up calling out ‘What…’
Pretty strange don’t you think…and it took me a few seconds to realise that I must have been dreaming.

It was like deja vue all over again.
Today The Man and I went back to Greenwich.
This time to meet up with cousins,
One of them is a real genuine globetrotter, and is back home in the UK visiting her Dad and brother en-route to to Europe.
In a couple of weeks she will be winging back to Aussie
It was so nice to catch up with them, and after lunch have another walk around Greenwich market. 

It was interesting to see that he some of the stallholders had moved to a different place and others had been totally replaced and were selling different products, And did I buy anything 

OK yes I put my hand up to buying a new thumb ring. This one is adjustable which means that once I slid it over the knuckle on my thumb The Man Squeezed it to a snug fit. 

On our way back to the DLR train station We were briefly entertained by a couple of noisy, slightly unmusical buskers; they were very very enthusiastic though.

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