Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Saturday 31 August 2013

Brekky and a stroll, and a question for you...

It was really nice to have a bit of a sleep in today, and we woke up to a nice sunny day.
What better, after showering and dressing,  than to go out to our favourite breakfast place just up the road.
What!! The café was closed. Hmm
OK, let’s have a wonder around the triangle here at Crystal Palace.
We haven’t tried that store yet. Hmm, I really fancy and omelette and this store doesn’t have that on their very limited breakfast menu.
Hang about! That café that we had those nice pancakes is just up the road, let’s go there.
And we did and yes they do have omelettes. On the menu 
I had a bacon one The man had a mushroom one and pancakes with maple syrup, what more could we ask for.

Later I put a shopping list together and we grabbed the granny trolley and headed out to the supermarket.
I’d seen signs touting a local food market and so we followed them, but were a tad, well more than a tad disappointed in the quality of their wares.
Then we did our usual…let’s take a different way back. So off down the road in the opposite direction.
It didn’t take long for The man to spot and recognise a local park that we knew. So it was a meander through it.
Ooo what's that over there.
Can you guess
Don’t cheat and scroll down to the answer at the bottom.

We also saw this really interesting fungi growing around the base of  tree

 Keep on scrolling down to find the answer to the question 

Answer is a bug house

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