Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Sunday 25 August 2013

Plan A, B then C

A short and sweet entry tonight.
This morning we had intended  going to the Natural History Museum.
OK, so we did get away a tad later than we had originally intended, but that didn't account for rent-a-crowd who were queuing up to get into the museum too.
So plan B.
Hmm we didn't really have a Plan B readymade so quick lets think of something else to do.
I know, an open top bus tour...
Hang on the sky does look a tad threatening so we might get the odd shower or two.
So Plan C then…
Which was out to Little Venice and a canal boat ride to Camden Market..
The Man and I had done the canal trip before, which was  bonus as we were able to tell our special visitors a bit about the sights because the particular boat trip we took had no commentary.
And no, we didn't get rained on ether.'
Camden Market was its usual eclectic self. Not disappointing at all.
And yes I do have pictures, but I will post them another day.
We spent an interesting hour or so wandering about after a bite to eat of course.
How about we take you out to White City.
Oh look the number 3 bus goes right there.
Well I thought I went right there, when I looked at the diagrammatic map it looked eke a short run.
But I was wrong..very wrong. It took us more than an hour and a half to get there.
The route took us through the area where the Notting Hill Carnival was on.
There were little groups of policemen all along the route and in one place there were more than ten police vans all parked together.
White City was still open when we finally got there and it was very nice to get into its nice cool interior after the heat of the bus.
A short walk around the stores and thought he very expensive shops in The Village end of the Mall before wending our way across the road to have a very pleasant meal in the pub and then back to Crystal Palace

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