Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Monday 19 August 2013

Staying in...

Hey there Kiwis on the other side of the world, look out the window just after sun set and you will see a beautiful almost full moon.
Well it will be full in the next day or so.

Yesterday evening we thought we might try to go to the Crystal palace garden party, final night. It promised an evening at the ‘Proms’ complete with fireworks.
We do like a good fireworks display.

We could have booked on line, but didn’t want to commit ourselves ‘just in case’ as the tickets were non-refundable, and well… it might have rained.

So when we got back from meeting our family at Greenwich The Man went on line to check the availability.  There was nothing purchasable online, which was hardly surprising. What did surprise us though was the comment that tickets purchased on the night at the gate would likely be more expensive than the £20 online fee.

And did I really want to pay more than £40 for an evening out in the park sitting on the grass listening to classical music and waiting for the fireworks?

No not really.

About 2200 we heard the first of the rockets go off. We were able to see the display easily from the kitchen window. What disappointed us a great deal was the very short time the display went on, less than a minute.
We were even more than pleased that we hadn’t pulled out the wallet to buy tickets

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