Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Wednesday 28 August 2013

Sunshine and travel

Well, that was a bit of a culture shock having to get back into work mode after such a lovely long weekend.
You wouldn’t have thought it was going to be a nice day today.
It was very foggy and a bit cool first thing this morning and there was even a bit of moisture in the air when we left this morning.

The site I worked at today has no windows, so it was nice to walk out at lunch time and see that the weather had brightened up considerably.
Not only that, it was still nice and sunny when I left work this evening.

Back home in Taranaki  one of our older granddaughters is preparing to leave home.

Not a lot unusual in that you might think.

You would be wrong
In just over a week she will wave goodbye to her parents and siblings and board a plane and depart for a student exchange to France!
What an exciting time she will have.

Don’t worry Mum and Dad you have raised her well and she will be a credit to you and to New Zealand.

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