Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Saturday 3 August 2013

Just a bit of a wander in London

I wonder how this long this summer weather can last?
A whole lot longer I hope
Yes it was a nice day rain when we got up this morning.
While I got on with the domesticity The Man went out, yes all by himself, to a friend’s place.
It’s the friend who we helped with his move a month or so ago. Seems his bed suffered a bit during the move and The Man went to have a look to see if he could affect a repair.
And could he?

Yes he could, but he’ll need to go back with some tools home to complete the job.

So after we’d finished our respective chores we met up at Sydenham station and continued on to London Bridge station. Almost on the doorstep is the Shard. It is such an impressive structure, I love the way the clouds reflect in its mirror like surface

After a quick stop for lunch with the clown we walked down Bermondsey Road to the glass studio where The Man did his glass making course. They had some really beautiful pieces on display.

After that we just wandered. It is a fun thing to do to just see just what is around the next corner.
The newly opened Blackfriars Station is clever. The entire station is a bridge over the Thames. The roodf is made up of solar paensl that provide,according tot he sign 50% of the stations electricity needs.

We came across some interesting street signs

And some interesting architecture.

When we’re out I always look up at the buildings around us, and we are frequently rewarded views of decorative features.

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