Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Monday 5 August 2013

Monday musing...

Is this the end of summer?
Let’s hope not.

It’s only on stop for me on the underground from Surrey Quays to Canary Wharf and it is hardly worth sitting down, even if there was an empty seat. I was standing in my usual, spot near the door, this morning when I noticed that the suited up chap sitting or should I say slumped, closest to me was apparently sound asleep.

He remained that way as the PA announced Canary Wharf as the next station, and I thought to myself ‘Do I give his foot a nudge to wake him just in case this is his stop?’
Nah I thought, he’s probably been up all night let him sleep.’
Ok it might have been a bit on the naughty side, but hey a bit of humour on a Monday is always good.

I’m having trouble putting down the latest book I’m reading.
OK well I do have to put it down to go to work, but very reluctantly.
So what’s it about then?
Well for a start it’s called ‘When I Found You’, written by Catherine Ryan Hyde.
It starts with a man finding a new born baby in the woods when he was hunting, and progresses from here .
A really good read if you are looking for something ‘unputdownable’

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