Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Tuesday 20 August 2013


That moon out there tonight is beautiful, and there isn’t a cloud to block our view. We take so much of our knowledge about our environment for granted don’t we? It is hard to imagine that our ancestors believed what we think of as quaint or peculiar ideas.

The Man worked a bit late yesterday, so we came home separately. I got in about 1800 and The Man about 1900. 

‘Did you see that pile of rubble on the footpath’ he asked.
‘Rubble’ I said, ‘What rubble’

Well I saw ‘what rubble’.  This morning on our walk along Church Road.
And where did the rubble come from.

Not off the back of a lorry I can tell you.

Somewhere between the two of us getting in it part of the roof of the building had fallen in and a huge piece of it had fallen the three stories to the street below.
I asked one of the policemen guarding the site if anyone had been hurt and he said no, but a car parked nearby had been a bit damaged.
Phew, if it had landed on a passer-by it would have been very very nasty.

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