Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Thursday 29 August 2013

A bit of a ramble ...

Where has this week gone?

Ok so I did start it in the middle after adding  day to the bank holiday weekend. Even so it has gone by very very fast.

I think I wrote the other day about a piece of masonry falling off one of the building The Man and I walk past every day on our way down to the train station.
So it happened, l
et me see on the 20th so nearly ten days ago, and would you believe it, even though the rubble has been cleared away there is still a barrier fence around the footpath. Not that either of us would be very keen to walk below that building for quite a while yet.

Talking, well actually writing, about walking The Man and I will be trying to get back to St Katherines Dock on Sunday so I had better get my act together and check out the train situation for the weekend

And why do we want to go back there?
Well I’ll tell you it will be the day that the Round the World Yacht Race starts.
We saw the boats the other day while our visitors were visiting The Tower.

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