Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Tuesday 6 August 2013

Short posting tonight...

I have no idea what to write today.

Oh I know, today, well tomorrow back in New Zealand, it is our oldest granddaughter’s birthday.

So England have won the ashes, well sort of with the help of the weather. Pity that the last day was washed out as the Aussies were giving them a good run for their money.

Work has been really busy, well for me anyway cos my  nurse colleague is on leave for the week. We are a bit quiet though ‘cos it is summer holidays and lots of people are away from work.
You wouldn’t think so by the crush on the train this evening, the queue was so long that two trains went by before we got to the beginning of the line.

Looks like Fonterra, the  NZ milk export company has been having a problem with botulism contamination some of its products.

Well that’s it from me. The Man and I have been chatting on Skype with two very special people our. son and his girlfriend.
Great to actually talk rather than just txt.

So suffice it to say it’s goodnight from Him n goodnight from me

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