Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Wednesday 14 August 2013

Seeing RED...

OK I know that yesterday I said I would tell you about our weekend away and that you were waiting with bated breath (where did that saying come from? (Probably good old William Shakespeare I expect) anyway you will have to wait yet another day for that story.

Why so?

Go on ask...
Well tonight The Man and I went to the movies.

Not much of an excuse I'll grant you, but at least there is one.

And what did we go to see?

No it isn't a colour.

Last year, or maybe the year before that now we saw RED.
And no we weren't angry.
RED stands for 'Retired, Extremely Dangerous'

So tonight we went to the sequel.
And was it good.

Yes it was.

If you haven't seen RED yet, go rent it if you can then go to the cinema and see RED:2.
Excellent action shoot-em-up movie.
It has fight scenes where afterwards neither the hero nor the villain have a mark on them.
And it was a 'good' fight if you can call a fight good.
Bruce Willis is as ever...well... Bruce Willis. What more can I say. He is the consummate fighter, probably make a great 007 given half a chance. And that from a died in the wool Sean Connery fan too.

Helen Mirren, was excellent, she wields an automatic rifle like only a queen can.. 

The supporting cast gave their all in various major cities around the world from Russia to London, there were even a few, well more than a few, laughs.

All in all a very entertaining night out.
All in all a good nights entertainmant

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