Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Wednesday 7 August 2013

I love my job...

As I was doing my usual quick march through the train station at Canary Wharf I felt a tap on my shoulder.

It was a young man, who I had seen almost a year ago when he was in an awful state and felt that the only solution was to end his life.
What a change in him.

Roll the clock back twelve months to the day he arrived unannounced in a very disheveled and distressed state right in the middle of a very busy morning’s clinic. 

I left our very able receptionist to explain to the waiting clients that the nurse was dealing with an emergency and that they should rebook.
That sorted I sat with him just listening and wondering what on earth had tipped him over the edge.

I thought to myself ‘you’re not going to get away from me sunshine’

As is usually the case the tipping point was a multitude of factors, family dynamics, work pressures, too much alcohol, the list went on.

When he was a little calmer I left him with a coffee and a snack and had
a discussion with our doctor who in turn had a brief word with him and the he agreed to be referred to an in-patient unit.

He didn’t want to go in an ambulance and we didn’t want him to either, because he could change his mind during the drive and tell them to let him go. Neither could we allow him to leave under his own steam.

He was still living with his girlfriend, and though he thought she would not want anymore to do with him because of his recent behaviour he did allow me to call her.

She was so relieved that he had sought help and offered to leave her work and come and escort him to the unit.

Which she did.

I saw him a few months later and he told me that he was now getting on much better with his family and occupational health were supporting his return to work. And that he was ‘dry’ with the support of AA.

Now turn the clock forward to today, and there he is, a very presentable young man, confident and wanting to share his success in beating the bottle.

And the girlfriend…yes she is still with him.

It’s events like that that make me say to myself  Yes!…This is why I do what I do’

Is it any wonder that I love my job

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