Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Friday 30 August 2013

Just a few thughts

Yes it is Friday AGAIN.

And all I want to say is TGIF.

It might have been a very short week for The man and me but we both feel as though we have worked hard all week.

OK it might have had something to do with having such a busy long weekend with our two very special visitors.
Said visitors have gone now, one back home to Lincolnshire and the other rather reluctantly back to New Zealand.

Isn’t it awful when iconic figures like Rolf Harris turn out to have feet of clay. How famous people like him use their status to abuse vulnerable children is totally beyond my comprehension.
I remember seeing him do one of his paintings in a promo at a local paint store when I was about ten years old.
I read an article about him and his family some years ago and his daughter Bindi made some comment about him hardly ever being there for her and her Mum.
And I wonder if the portrait of the queen that he painted some years ago will stay on display. I know if it was me he’d painted I’d want to hide it away.

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