Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Wednesday 1 May 2013

Free entertainment tonight

I was wondering what I was going to write about today. 

Was, being the operative word.


Are you sitting comfortably….then I’ll begin.

So, on the way home tonight The Man and I got off the train at Anerly, and as it was a pleasant evening we walked up to the main road to wait for the bus to Crystal Palace.
On the bus we chose to sit near the rear, a couple of seats behind an afro- Caribbean couple.
The young woman was giving her male partner a real earful, accompanying her rant with gestures and head movements. Not to mention a smattering of pretty unladylike language too.
Nothing too unusual in that you might say.
We thought so too and tried to ignore the obnoxious sounds.

Then just a few stops from where we were to get off the gesturing became much more animated and aimed at a chap on the opposite side of the road.
Said chap obviously intended to get on the bus and as he ran towards the stop the foul mouthed female began yelling at the driver not to let the man on. But it was too late as the bus had already stopped and had the doors open. 

Then the fun began.

She continued yelling at him telling him in no uncertain terms that he was not to get on. He was about to board and she was on her feet and headed for the rear door. The upshot of her vocals was that if he got on she would get off. 

It was like a scene from a bad comedy.

He stepped further into the bus and she jumped off, yelling all the while.
As he walked towards the rear of the bus she leapt back in the front door. 

They went around a couple of times, out the rear door and in the front door. 

Meantime the bloke who had been sitting next to her quietly got off and made his getaway.

Finally the driver saw a gap in the couples circular antics and closed both the doors trapping the man inside and leaving foul mouth outside. 

Not content, the man on the inside asked the driver to let him off and went off down the road after her.
The driver quickly shut the doors and drove off.

It does sound funny, but for a few minutes it was scary as the warring couple were between us and the escape route of the rear door.
Needless to say The Man and I were very pleased when they were both off the bus.
Other passengers looked around in relief sharing a laugh at the comedy show we had witnessed.

It isn’t every night there is a free floor show on the way home.

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