Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Saturday 25 May 2013

Covent Garden and beyond

On such a nice day we decided to go to Covent Garden Market. The train station at the market is always overcrowded so we went there on a more circuitous route. We get to see some interesting sights that way.

One was a bike absolutely overloaded with full plastic grocery bags. When we got closer we realised it belonged to the chap sitting on the steps nearby.

There was some interesting architecture along the way too.
  Covent Garden Market is an interesting place. On Saturdays the place is full of interesting crafty stalls selling everything from insects encased in resin to soft sculptured figures of famous people like Charlie Chaplin. We stood for a while and watched as a very talented sculptor added the finishing touches to the very realistic head he was working on for his subject.
In the courtyard outside was one of our favourite buskers. He plays a one stringed Asian instrument that he really makes sing.

After a bit more of a walk around we decided to head over to take a look at the London Glass Studio. The Man had a great day there several months ago and we wanted to see their new creations. The glassworkers there are a very talented bunch.

 On the way we came across The Old Operating Theatre Museum. It has a great sculptured skull in the entry way.A steep circular stairway took us up to the attic where instruments and dried herbs were rediscovered in 1957. We were in time for a talk about how the operating theatre was used, complete with a demonstration of how a set of amputation tools were used. All I have to say about that I am so very glad that medicine has moved on and improved.

  With the sun on our backs we continued on our walk along old Kent road, yes monopoly fans it really is called that, past interesting shops.

One sold all sorts of designer pet products. 

In another I came across a thumb ring. I’ve wanted one for a while now, but up until today hadn’t come across any that I liked. Yes, a thumb ring. What do you think?

 Oh look there’s a 232 bus with Crystal Palace as its destination.
Well that’s handy.

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