Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Wednesday 8 May 2013

Food for though...

Am improved again today, probably still have a day or so before I can say I am 100% again tho.
Not being too keen on food made me think about what it is we like as comfort food.
For me all I wanted yesterday for my tea and for tea tonight was a soft poached egg on mashed potato. It may not be your cup of tea or plate of dinner but that’s what I’m having.

As a kid Mum would probably have given me arrowroot biscuits and grated apple.
At other times when my asthma was playing up and I had to stay in bed, it would have been thin sliced white bread and blackcurrant jam. But I think I have probably written about that before. It was worth repeating tho.

 I can’t remember if any of my kids had any particular comfort food favourites when they were sick. But they were partial to golden syrup dumplings. Mum used to make it too and it was a definite firm favourite.

It occurred to me recently that Mum didn’t pass on her cooking skills or recipes for that matter. Pity about that. 

She was a great sewer and knitter too, but didn’t teach be those either.Intermediate school gave me minimal skills in those departments.

The first thing us girls had to make at sewing was our cooking apron. A traditional style apron all hand hemmed. And a cap too, but it was more of a front than a full cap. 
Not only that we had to embroider our name across the front of it. I don’t think it served any hygienic purpose, it was probably just one of those mind numbing finger pricking exercises dreamed up by the education authorities of the day

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