Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Friday 31 May 2013

Short week

Yup I’m going to say, or at least write it again.
Its Friday all over again.

OK this one seems to have come around a bit faster than normal, but that is probably because it was a four day work week rather than a five day week. Oddly enough back in New Zealand this weekend is a long one. 

Queens Birthday Weekend in fact. 

Some kiwi’s will remember it not for  a weekend of fun
Off work, but the weekend their house began to fall off the hill. Yes that's right I said fall of the hill.

It happened in a wellington hillside suburb called Berhampore and Kingston. It reminded The Man and I of a similar but quite a lot larger event in Tauranga in the Bay of Plenty.

Then the houses were undermined after a lot of rain. OK you might say a lot of rain would do it. Of course I would, but in the Tauranga case the storm water drained not into proper drains but into the ground.
Ground which became so waterlogged it simply gave way.
Fortunately in both events nobody was hurt.

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