Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Wednesday 22 May 2013


Well I’m pleased that today is over and done with.

It has been such a scrappy one. 

It was pretty quiet at work first thing this morning and I though, right a good time to sort through some of my ever growing pile of paper. There is even a folder that I inherited when I first started work at Canary Wharf, and that is more than two years ago.

So there I was with paper everywhere, and I mean everywhere and what happens.
You guessed it.

Next thing I knew our receptionist is calling me and I have the next couple of hours booked up.

So bundle up the loose papers and put them to one side.

Then it took me the remainder of the day to get around to just sort out the top couple of pages and then put the whole lot back in the cupboard.
Hmm maybe I will get time tomorrow.

Right, that’s enough blogging, my most favouritest TV programme has just stated. 

So it’s good night from me

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