Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Sunday 26 May 2013

motorsport at Crystal palace park

Ah, what a nice way to start a lazy Sunday than a sleep in followed by breakfast cooked by The Man. Couldn’t ask for better.
We let the morning slip by accompanied by coffee and catching up with some reading. Very nice thank you. The decision not to go away this weekend was a good one.
After a snack lunch we grabbed our jackets and wandered down the road to crystal Palace Park where a motorsport event as taking place.
We handed over our entry fee, and with an ID band strapped to our wrist we were free to wander among the beautifully polished and presented cars. 

It didn’t take us long to find a spot to watch the time trials and get the camera clicking. It took me a while t get my eye in and actually capture the car within in the lens, but soon I was happily snapping away.
Digital cameras are great aren’t they? I can take as many shots as I like knowing that in amongst the rubbish there will   the odd good shot.

There were folks selling all sorts of goodies and tempting thing’s for the kids. I bought a DVD about the History of Crystal Palace and the fire that destroyed it. For a while we watched the kids enjoying their ride in the barrel train, pulled by a chap who looked like he was enjoying himself driving the quad-bike that pulled it.

Ice cream in hand we watched more of the time trials before having a good look and ogle at the lovely shiny cars.
We spotted one that looked like a very well preserved Bentley, but it turned out to be something quite different. It was in fact a a custom built vehicle that had been built in about 1994. The design of the open topped car was based on a 1930’s concept but not on any particular car. The couple who owned it said that it was very popular as a wedding car and I can see why.

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