Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Monday 27 May 2013

It really was much too nice a day to stay in, so we didn’t.

It’s a while since we’ve been to Greenwich, and it isn’t that far away so it was a good choice and easy to get to
On the overground to New Cross gate and then hop on a bus to Greenwich.
We had a wander around an outside street market selling all sorts of bric-a-brac, Ok so it was mostly junk. Around the corner was the covered market which is a slightly smaller version of Covent Garden Market. 
I waked past a stall that had a sign saying ‘Going Home’ and next to that was a fluffy to Kiwi.

I couldn’t resist asking the stall holder where home was. New Zealand of course. Only 46 days to go, she told us. 

Seems that in January they had applied for an extension to their ancestry visa, just one day late. Yes that’s right just a day late and they were given their marching orders. Passports confiscated not to be returned until they are on the plane out of the country.

A few weeks ago they were told that they had just a few weeks to leave.
Trouble is they have loved here for many years and own their own house here. The border agency wouldn’t take that into account. Not only that they had to go back to the border agency to get a photocopy of their passports  so that they could book their tickets out of the country.

With family in the US and Australia they booked a trip home via those two countries. When they took their tickets in to prove that they were going the response of the counter staff at the border agency was, ‘you can’t do that you have to go straight back to NZ’ The kiwi’s response was ‘no I don’t’. Then the counter person said ‘researched it have you?’ and yes she had. 

Like us she was very disenchanted with the service from the border agency.
We are still waiting after almost exactly 6 months.

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