Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Tuesday 14 May 2013

Just a little end of day challenge...

So there I was this evening almost set to leave work, and already running a tad late and what do we find on our end of day clean up?

OK so you wouldn’t have a clue.

Well in the room of the doctor who had gone home, there on the shelf above the desk was a client file AND two tubes of blood!

Now don’t get squeamish on me.

The blood was nice and safe inside the lab tubes.

Not only that, the request form that tells the laboratory what tests need to be done, wasn’t filled in. Arrrrgh!!!!!!!!!!!!!

To make matters just a teeny bit more complicated the list of tests the client had brought with her was in Italian! 

The tests the client was asking for were not for active symptoms; rather they were to rule our certain conditions. This is defined as screening and not diagnostic. Not terribly important I hear you say.
Well it jolly well is.
I work in private healthcare which means that the clients insurance company will need to authorise payment, or else the client will have to pay the several hundred pounds cost of the tests themselves.

And was there an authorisation number on the form?
No there was not!!

Fortunately the client was still and work and their insurance company had given them an authorisation number to cover the cost of the tests.

Why on earth she hadn’t phoned in with the number earlier I do not know.

Now the last laboratory specimens are collected by courier at about 1800.
And what time was it?

You guessed it, almost 1800.

So off I run to the lift stuffing the lab bag with the tubes in into the courier bag as I go and would you believe it luck was on my side for once during this escapade and the courier hadn’t arrived.


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