Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Wednesday 15 May 2013

In the pink...

That’s a bit of a coincidence.
Today in the mail I received an invitation to have a mammogram. Golly gosh is it really three years since the last one. I guess it must be.

So it isn’t the most comfy procedure in the whole wide world but hey it’s over and done with in no time at all and it is an important check for us girls.
I know some of you will say ‘nope, not having that done ‘cos they might find something. I’ve heard that said about cervical smear tests too.
But knowledge is POWER.
I’ve had a few mammograms now and each time I have been impressed with the gentleness and consideration of the staff.
So, yes they do squish the boob a bit, and those of you who know me will be aware that I am not so well endowed. Goodness me that was something that used to annoy me a great deal when I was a teenager.
So with what there is of my flesh caught between two x-ray plates on both horizontal and vertical planes the funny thing is the operator says ‘now don’t move.’ It always makes me laugh. I certainly am not going anywhere.

Getting back to my original statement about coincidences, the papers here are full of the brave and to my mind very sensible decision of actor Angelina Jolie to have a double mastectomy to prevent herself from getting breast cancer.
She had a high risk of breast cancer because see carries a particular gene that hugely increases her risk.

So the question is would you undergo that kind of dramatic surgery to save your life?
I’d like to think that I would have the courage to.

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