Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Tuesday 28 May 2013

Frustrations continue...

What a disappointment. After such nice weather over the weekend, we woke up to rain and chilly weather this morning.
Oh well put the sunscreen away and get out the brolly.
The rain has hung around all day.
I nearly jumped out of my skin at about four o’clock this afternoon.
Suddenly there was a very loud announcement saying that ‘fire has been reported in the building’, followed by instructions to stay where we were until further notice. The message was repeated several more times before the disembodied voice advised us that everything was Ok and apologised for any inconvenience caused.

It is six months to the day since The man sent visa application in. If you’re a regular reader you will be aware of the problems that The Man has been having with his visa application. If not, scroll back and have  good read. 

Unfortunately I don’t have any good news. Him and I are more frustrated than ever.

The following is a direct quote from the paperwork that accompanied the acknowledgement letter.

Issue 1: Progress

How long will my application take to consider?

Our service standards are to completed 95% of cases within six months, although we do aim to concluded case quicker than that. However certain cases are more complex than others and do take longer to conclude. We do agree to expedite cases in certain compassionate and compelling circumstances such as death or serious illness of a close relative. Documentary evidence must be provided in such circumstances

If you have not heard from us, and the six months target has passed, then please visit our website for further guidance

So as instructed I visited the website, and what guidance did I find? 
Absolutely NONE!!

After much googling and searching I found the following information page

Waiting times

This page contains our service standards covering applications for settlement made inside the UK. The service standards explain how quickly we aim to decide these applications.
The service standards
We will:
  • decide 95% of postal applications within six months; and
  • decide 90% of applications made in person at a public enquiry office within 24 hours.
Hang on…isn’t that what I just read? 
Yes it is. And that is all I could find.

And have they achieved their standard?
Um…don’t have to be a genius to answer that one do you
How frustrating is that!

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