Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Thursday 23 May 2013

Are they sick or what?

There are some very sick people out there. Actually calling them people is wrong, they are animals. But then do animals do this?

We’ve been hearing on the news about a person being tried for the abduction and murder of an innocent five year old girl.

His testimony is a pack of lies and contradictions. He says he did kill her accidentally by running her over. But he cannot remember what he did with her body. Forensics have found fragments of human bone in his fireplace. Children’s bone at that.

Her parents have attended the court every day, and I cannot imagine how hard it must be for them to listen to the words of this creep who took their precious daughter.

Yesterday we heard of the horrific killing of a soldier outside the barracks at Woolwich. Sounds like the killers were actually British born which seems to make it worse somehow. Two of the nasty’s were shot and I think a couple, of others including a woman are in custody. One of them apparently stood in the street and was filmed saying that the killing was because brutish soldiers kill Muslims every day. How sick can you get.

When will mankind stop killing in the name of religion. It has gone on for way too many centuries.

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