Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Tuesday 30 April 2013

reality bites...

Goodbye April…Hello May, well tomorrow will be May.

We were chatting to an interesting old chap on the station at Canada Water after work we were waiting for our train home. 

He’s a professional bridge player. Yes that’s what I thought… OK I am pretending to be a mind reader there. But I did think it was an interesting occupation.
He explained that he doesn’t actually get paid, but he does get a free trip.
And what a trip, his latest one was way over to South America and even up the Amazon.
And all for playing cards.   

He said that he had lost his wife, a few years ago and this was a great occupation for him as he wasn’t home very often.

On the plus side…OK I don’t think there is a down side.. but if his card playing skills are not required then he has absolutely nothing to do.
He can also go on any of the tours, again at no cost.
That’s got to be a great job.

I wonder where I could find a deal like that.

So am I any closer to deciding what The Man and I will do for the coming long weekend?
Actually no… but I do have e few ideas. Not going to tell you what they are yet tho.

There is an interesting, well I think it is, TV programme called Embarrassing Bodies. If you’ve never seen or heard of it, it is a reality show. Now as rule I dislike reality shows with a passion.
But this one is actually pretty good. 

No one is scared witless by the intrusion of creepy crawlies or knocked about by a pretty violent obstacle course. EB is a show where folks can ask the resident doctors for help about their medical problems. Some of the conditions can be of very long standing, up to many many years. It amazes me that people put up with uncomfortable or anti-social conditions.

The EB docs refer their unhappy contestants to specialists generally with very good results.
EM also educates, the programme I am looking at right now is teaching blokes how to examine their own testicles and actually show it on screen. 

The catch cry of the programme is ‘there’s no shame, we’re all the same’
They recently had a very educational sexual heath session.

There are also apps that can help with anything from melanoma to self-examinations.

Good on you EB.

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