Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Tuesday 21 May 2013

A bit of routine...

So here’s my day.
Get up about 0550, yes that’s right, but at least it is actually daylight at this time of day now.
Shower, breakfast and leave at 0645 to walk down to the station to get the 0658 train. We always sit in the same place and can get quite annoyed if someone is sitting in ‘our’ seats.
We’ve a couple of ‘train friends’, a young Indian chap who is having an awful problem getting his finances arranged for him and his brother to purchase a second dry cleaning store. That issue has been going on since before Christmas. Then there is Dave. About 18 months ago he needed a tissue and of course I had one in my trusty backpack. We’ve become chatting buddies ever since.
All of us, except The Man get off at Canada Water, and each of us goes our own way from there. I take the escalator down to the lower platform and catch a Jubilee line train one stop to Canary Wharf. This train can be chocka block, but hey it is only one stop so I don’t mind standing.
I have two Starbucks to choose from, depending on whether I am starting at 0830 or 0900. Then with my white filter coffee in my own cup I settle down for a nice cosy chat with whoever is online. Good time to check the emails and of course the social networking site called Facebook.
I don’t have too far to go from the coffee shop to get to where I work.

Once there, and I’ve changed into my work gear the day generally starts the same way.
Unlocking doors and setting out recording sheets that we are not allowed to leave out overnight, collecting up results from the fax machine and any files that I have left over from the day before.
If I’m lucky I will have enough time to sort through the results and get a head start of contacting the clients.
The day then is made up seeing clients, responding to enquiries and getting any reagent admin work done.

The afternoon follows much the same sort of routine until it is time to come home.
The Man always come to meet me unless he is working late, which he doesn’t do very often thank goodness.
Then we reverse the mornings trip and get home between 1800 and 1900.
Preparing and eating tea takes a while and before we know it it's time to say nitey nite and turn off the lights and get some shut eye before doing it all again the next day.

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