Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Thursday 30 May 2013

Small rhymes

Cannot think what to write tonight.

It brings to mind one of a group of autographs we would write in each other’s books. And that had me wondering if anyone collect signatures these days.
Can’t think
Born dumb.
Inspiration won’t come.
Bad ink
Bad pen.
Gobble gobble

Well it went something like that. Then there was this one

When you get married and have twins,
Don’t come to me for safety pins.

And then this one too
2Ys U R
2Y’s U B
I C u R 2Ys
4 me.

But I think the one I liked the best was one that my Mum wrote. If I remember rightly it went like this.

If you’ve had a kindness done, pass it on.
It wasn’t meant for you alone, pass it on.
Le it wander down the years.
Let it dry another’s tears
‘Til in heaven the deed appears.
Pass it on.

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