Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Tuesday 7 May 2013


Well I won’t say it was the best day I’ve ever had, but I do feel heaps and heaps better than I did yesterday.

It was interesting to read in the newspaper on the way home on the train about some anti-diet journalist who has done a total turnaround and written a book about dieting. She is now very pro diet.
And what is the amazing revelation that changed her mind. 

It was being sent to interview a doctor whose idea of dieting was ti eat normally for 5 days and fast for the other two.

Well not actually fast, but reduce the calorie intake on those two days to a bare minimum of about 600 calories. 

Her book sold amazingly well, not that she will allow herself affected by the fame and fortune.
Oh she has bought herself a brand new car, albeit a Mini, and was sporting a tan from a recent holiday in the tropics.

Now if she had but asked me I could have told her that a good dose of food poising will do much the same thing.

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